
Wellspring College encourages individuality and diversity in its community, as is evidenced by the vast range of clubs, activities, and beyond-classroom learning experiences on offer.




In today’s technology-driven world, digital literacy has become a crucial skill set for students to thrive academically and socially.

At Wellspring College, we have provided our students with a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital landscape through our comprehensive digital literacy curriculum. Digital literacy is taken by students in all classes except those in external examination classes (JSS3 and SSS3).

The digital literacy curriculum covers several key areas, including but not limited to graphics design, UI/UX design, and e-commerce design. The training is designed to help students develop practical skills that they can apply in real-world scenarios. For example, through graphics design training, students learn to create engaging visuals using industry-standard tools and software; UI/UX design training helps students design user-friendly and intuitive interfaces for digital platforms; e-commerce design training provides students with the knowledge and skills to create effective and profitable online stores.

Our digital literacy training is delivered by industry professionals with years of experience in their respective fields. Highly skilled and knowledgeable, our instructors are passionate about sharing their expertise with the students, bringing real-world experience and expertise to the classroom.


At Wellspring College, we understand the importance of cultivating a passion for technology among our students. To this end, we have created the Tech Club, a community of students who share a common interest in tech.

The Tech Club provides an opportunity for students to explore their interest in tech and develop their skills in web and mobile app development, and other related fields. Members of the club learn to code, design, and build web and mobile applications using industry-standard tools and technologies.

The goal of the Tech Club is to create digital entrepreneurs by inspiring students to become creative problem-solvers and innovators in the field of technology. By participating in the club’s activities, students can develop their critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership skills which are essential in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing tech landscape.

The Tech Club is open to all students in all classes who are curious and passionate about technology. Whether they are beginners or experienced coders, members of the club can benefit from the community of like-minded individuals and the wealth of resources available to them.

Are you ready to take the next step towards your child’s future career?